Terms & Conditions


Tyneside Gymnastics Club (TGC) is a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) organisation, which is a community-based, not-for-profit sports club.  Fees must be paid in advance, at the time of enrolment and regular monthly payments thereafter, after being offered a place or places in our scheduled classes.

General Principles

  1. An annual registration and membership fee is payable directly to British Gymnastics (BG).
  2. Training fees are payable in advance at the start of each month to Tyneside Gymnastics Club.

British Gymnastics Membership.

The BG membership must be paid before the gymnast’s second training session and renewed annually by the end of October.  BG membership must be arranged directly through the BG website (https://www.british-gymnastics.org/) or by contacting BG Customer Support (customersupport@british-gymnastics.org / 0345 1297129).  BG membership costs vary depending on the training level of the gymnast, the fee is set by BG.  Gymnasts who do not have current BG membership will be unable to train or compete.

The BG membership fee covers the following:

  1. Registration with BG to enable gymnasts to participate in BG programs and compete in events anywhere in the UK or overseas.
  2. Insurance through BG which covers gymnasts whilst they are training, competing, or demonstrating, at any approved venue within the UK or overseas.

Details of the insurance cover provided by British Gymnastics are available on the BG website https://www.british-gymnastics.org/.

Tuition Fees. 

Tuition fees are set by TGC Management at the beginning of each Calendar Year.  Fees will normally increase by at least the Consumer Price Index (CPI) each year so that TGC can cover increased charges from external sources, for example, rent, gas, consumables, etc.  Tuition fees are calculated over 46 weeks of the year and paid in 12 monthly installments.  This allows for 6 weeks holiday/cancelled sessions per year.

Payment of Fees

Training fees must be paid in full at the beginning of each month as instructed by the TGC finance team.  This must be between the 1st and 6th of the month.  There is NO entitlement to a refund if your gymnast does not attend.  The fees are non-refundable unless there are special circumstances, in which case the refund is at discretion of TGC management.

If a class is cancelled and it is outside of our control – for example due to an incident at a venue or extreme weather conditions a refund will not be made.

Illness and Injury – If your child has an illness or injury which lasts longer than a 6-week period, a suspension of fees may be considered on production of a signed, valid and dated doctor’s note/ hospital letter.  This is discretionary as we encourage gymnasts to continue classes where possible, with adaptations to training as necessary.

Competition and Uniform Payments

Gymnasts with any outstanding fees are not eligible to compete in any British Gymnastics competition. In this case, outstanding fees relate to those owing for tuition or for uniforms, travel, accommodation, insurance, or entry into a British Gymnastics competition. Parents/carers will be advised prior to an event if this applies to their gymnast.

The following rules apply:

  1. All outstanding fees (as specified above) must be paid prior to the closing date for competition entry.
  2. No gymnast can represent Tyneside Gymnastics Club in a British Gymnastics competition without the full, correct, approved uniform or insurance.

Competing gymnasts will be required to purchase the club kit. The type of kit is dependent on your child’s discipline. This may include leotards and tracksuit (Please note that kit may change approximately every 24 months).


Gymnasts must provide 4 weeks’ notice via email to the TGC finance team, of intent to leave, unless the following applies:

1.     on production of a Medical Certificate from a certified Medical Practitioner which states that the child is injured and/or is unable to continue classes long term.


2.     if the parent/carer of the gymnast seeks approval from TGC management to remove the gymnast because there is a grievance issue.

Late Payment of Fees

Training Fees for gymnasts must be paid in advance, at the start of each month, between the 1st and 6th of the month.

1.     Gymnasts who do not have current BG membership will be unable to train or compete.

2.     Where there are outstanding tuition fees the following rules will apply:

                               I.           First Late Payment Notification.  If monthly fees are not paid by the end of the second week of the month, the family is to be contacted by telephone, email, or letter to request immediate payment and advise that the gymnast may be refused access to his/her class if the outstanding fees are not paid within 7 days.

                             II.           Second Late Payment Notification.  If monthly fees are not paid within the 7 days of notification, the family is to be contacted by telephone, email, or letter to advise that fees are still overdue and that their child will no longer be able to attend sessions.  The gymnast is not to be allowed to attend until the fees and an additional late administration fee of £25 are paid in full.

                           III.           Consistently Late Payers.  Where monthly fees are consistently late, either two months in a row or three times in a 12-month period, the gymnast may be removed from the class register(s) and lose their place(s) and/or be required to enter into a repayment agreement with TGC before re-enrolment will be accepted.  Transfers to other Clubs will also be refused until such time as the outstanding fees are paid.

Financial Hardship

Tyneside Gymnastics Club and British Gymnastics understand that sometimes parents/carers may have difficulty paying the fees stipulated in this Policy.  A confidential ‘Financial Hardship’ request may be submitted in writing to the club by contacting the TGC finance team in the first instance. The TGC finance team and management will advise the most appropriate course of action at the time which could be either support via a British Gymnastics hardship grant (which TGC would support) or financial support directly from TGC.

Where a BG hardship grant is recommended a BG hardship grant form must be completed.  Where direct TGC support is recommended, TGC will issue a financial hardship form to be completed to provide sufficient details and evidence to prove the financial hardship case.  If financial hardship is proven and agreed, TGC management will stipulate the payments required (if any) and a review date.

Note:  In this policy ‘parents/carers’ means the person(s) responsible for paying the gymnasts’ fees.


Reviewed Nov 2022